Five US Supreme Court justices were over the age of 70 in 1935; a sixth justice passed that age before President Franklin Roosevelt attempted to pack the court with younger justices in his 1937 Judiciary Reorganization Bill. The bill proposed adding one new justice for each sitting justice over the age of 70.5, to a maximum of six new justices (coincidentally, the exact number of justice who fit the bill's criteria). Roosevelt's strategy was to dilute the older justices' votes by packing the court with justices more favorable to his New Deal policies. Congress rejected Roosevelt's proposal.
Justice..........................................Age 1935.........Age 1937..........Served on Court
Willis Vandevanter.................................76....................78.....................1911 - 1937
James Clark McReynolds........................73....................75.....................1914 - 1941
Louis Brandeis......................................79....................81.....................1916 - 1939
George Sutherland................................73....................75.....................1922 - 1938
Pierce Butler.........................................69....................71.....................1923 - 1939
Charles Evans Hughes (CJ).....................75...................77......................1930 - 1941
While Roosevelt's plan was thwarted in 1937, he eventually got his wish for a more progressive Court when eight of the nine justices died, retired, or resigned between 1937 and 1941.
For more information, see Related Questions, below.
Nine Justices Nine Justices make up the current Supreme Court: one Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices. There have been 103 Associate Justices in the Court's history.
There are 7 justices on the MN Supreme Court.
Answerthere are currently seven.
Supreme Court Justices do not necessarily have parties because they do not run for a political seat. The criteria for a supreme court justice has to be someone who is familiar with the law such as a former lawyer. If Supreme Court justices ran on a political platform that could complicate the position they hold because many political parties have money or a platform they run on.
There are 5 supreme court justices in the state of Idaho
There are 5 Wyoming Supreme Court Justices.
There are 9 supreme justices currently taking place in the supreme court.
The Mississippi Supreme Court is composed of 9 justices.
This depends on which supreme court. Reask your question specifying the state/country, or see related questions. US Supreme Court: There are 9 Justices on the US Supreme Court.
9 justices and a Chief Justice.
Supreme Court is the highest and there are 9 justices.
There are five Justices.
Nine justices
There are 5 Wyoming Supreme Court Justices.