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there are 27 us amendments

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Q: How many amendmends are there to the constitution?
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Related questions

What was the amendmends?

it is technically rules you had to follow back then. you can call them rules or law, some of the rules/laws we still need to follow today

Is the us the only country with a constitution?

No, many other countries have a constitution similar to the U.S. Constitution. There are to many for me to name.

Why did many states refuse to ratify the new constitution?

They did not refuse to ratify the Constitution. Massachusetts was the 6th State to ratify it. Massachusetts only added a list of nine 'desired' amendmends whereby the rights of States and of individuals would be better protected.

How many changes can you make in the constitution'?

Unless a constitution forbids it, as many as you wish

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How many reason are giving for the constitution

How many words are in article 3 of the Constitution?

How many words are in article 3 of the constitution

How many words in article 3 in the constitution?

How many words are in article 3 of the constitution

How many words are in the constitution article 3?

How many words are in article 3 of the constitution

How many types of constitution do you have?

we have two type of Constitution Direct constitution and Indirect Constitution that is type of constitution we have

What was a problem for the Federalists in 1788?

C. Many states we’re not ready to ratify the constitution.

How many member of constitution?

there are 207 members in constitution assembly

How many questions are in the constitution?

There are no phrases in the Constitution that are posed as questions.