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While a total of 33 amendments to the U.S. Constitution have been proposed by Congress, only twenty-seven of them have been ratified by at least three fourths of the states and now are officially part of the U.S, Constitution. The 18th Amendment was repealed by the 21st Amendment.

  1. proposed 28 Sep 1789; ratified 15 Dec 1791 (religion, free speech, assembly)
  2. proposed 28 Sep 1789; ratified 15 Dec 1791 (keep and bear arms)
  3. proposed 28 Sep 1789; ratified 15 Dec 1791 (gov. can't use your home w/o your permission)
  4. proposed 28 Sep 1789; ratified 15 Dec 1791 (no unreasonable search/seizure; warrant req'd)
  5. proposed 28 Sep 1789; ratified 15 Dec 1791 (protections against abuses of gov. authority)
  6. proposed 28 Sep 1789; ratified 15 Dec 1791 (rights in criminal prosecutions)
  7. proposed 28 Sep 1789; ratified 15 Dec 1791 (jury trial; no double jeopardy)
  8. proposed 28 Sep 1789; ratified 15 Dec 1791 (limits on bails/fines/punishments)
  9. proposed 28 Sep 1789; ratified 15 Dec 1791 (rights not specifically stated)
  10. proposed 28 Sep 1789; ratified 15 Dec 1791 (federal powers; state powers)
  11. proposed 4 Mar 1794; ratified 7 Feb 1795 (states' soverign immunity)
  12. proposed 9 Dec 1803; ratified 15 Jun 1804 (Pres. & V.P. elections)
  13. proposed 31 Jan 1865; ratified 6 Dec 1865 (slavery abolished)
  14. proposed 13 Jun 1866; ratified 21 Jul 1868 (citizenship; due process; equal protection)
  15. proposed 26 Feb 1869; ratified 3 Feb 1870 (voting rights for blacks)
  16. proposed 2 Jul 1909; ratified 3 Feb 1913 (income tax)
  17. proposed 13 May 1912; ratified 8 Apr 1913 (direct election of Senators)
  18. proposed 18 Dec 1917; ratified 16 Jan 1919 (prohibition)
  19. proposed 4 Jun 1919; ratified 18 Aug 1920 (voting rights for women)
  20. proposed 2 Mar 1932; ratified 23 Jan 1933 (new terms for Congress, Pres. & V.P.)
  21. proposed 20 Feb 1933; ratified 5 Dec 1933 (prohibition repealed)
  22. proposed 21 Mar 1947; ratified 27 Feb 1951 (Pres. term limits)
  23. proposed 16 Jun 1960; ratified 29 Mar 1961 (D.C. allowed to vote for Pres./V.P.)
  24. proposed 27 Aug 1962; ratified 23 Jan 1964 (poll tax prohibited)
  25. proposed 6 Jul 1965; ratified 10 Feb 1967 (mid-term replacement of Pres. or V.P.)
  26. proposed 23 Mar 1971; ratified 1 Jul 1971 (voting rights for 18-year-olds)
  27. proposed 28 Sep 1789; ratified 7 May 1992 (congressional salary changes)

27. The first 10 are the "Bill of Rights"
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Q: How many amendments have been made to the US Constitution?
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There are 27 Amenments to the Constitution. Answer There have been 27 amendments so far.

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