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Ten days. If he refuses to sign it before that point, it is vetoed. If he merely ignores it for ten days, it becomes a "pocket veto", which is still a veto. If he ignores it and the congressional session ends before the tenth day is up, it is automatically vetoed, and "killed" (that is very rare). If he signs it during any of those time periods, it becomes the law of the land.

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The President has a total of ten days to act on legislation once he has been sent a bill approved by Congress. If he signs the bill, it becomes a law. If he does not, then it is called a veto, and the bill is to be returned to the house where it originated. If the President refuses to accept or reject the bill, it is to be become a law without the President's signature. But if Congress adjourns during this time, the the President does not have to act on the bill because it won't become a law if he fails to sign it. Such failure to act by the President is called a pocket veto.

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He has 10 days, not counting Sundays to ponder a bill sent to him.

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The president has 10 days to approve, or veto the bill

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He has 10 days to veto it or approve it . If he does not, it becomes law unless Congress adjourns in the meantime, in which case the bill dies.

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10 days excluding Sundays

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Ten days

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Q: How many days does a president have to act on a bill?
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How many days does the president have to return a law?

its ten im Cody and i approve this message

What happens if the president can't decide whether to sign a bill or to veto it?

It's not a matter of whether the president is incapable of making a decision. The Founders created a provision in the Constitution to prevent the president from merely ignoring legislation sent to him by the Congress. A president might be inclined to delay acting on a bill if he disagrees with it and wishes to veto it but fears that the Congress will override his veto. The provision requires the president to act on a bill within ten days of its delivery to him. If he fails to act -- that is, if he fails to sign or veto it -- the bill becomes law. However, if the Congress ends its session before the 10-day period is up -- that is, if the Congress goes on recess, which is like a vacation -- then the bill is effectively vetoed if the president fails to act on it. That is called a pocket veto.

What happens when a president doesn't return a bill in 10 days and what is the exception to the rule?

The president gets only 1 chance to get it

What are 3 things the president can do with a bill?

I think a president would do: alot of things. stuff for his or her hubby or wife. 3.hmm buy a comptuer I would buy: 1. Buy clothes. 2. Buy stuff for my hubby. 3. or i would save it.... -Love, Bridgette Fredricks (Mueller)

Which president deregulated banks?

Prez Bill Clinton, with Financial Services Modernization Act 1999.

Related questions

How many days does the president have to act on a bill sent to him by congress?

I'm going by memory, but I believe it is ten days.

How many days does the president have to return a law?

its ten im Cody and i approve this message

What happens to a bill when its given to the president and he does not act on it in 10 days?

The president is fired

The President does not act on a bill within 10 days of receiving it. If Congress is still in session what happens to the bill?

It is called a pocket veto.

What actions can a president take when he receives a bill?

When a bill is passed by Congress and is presented to the President, he/she has ten days, not counting Sundays, to act on it. There are three things a President can do with a bill:The President can sign the bill, making it a law.The President can return it to the House of Congress where it originated with his/her objections to it. That is called a veto.The President can do nothing. If the President fails to act on a bill within the ten days allowed and Congress is still in session at the end of the ten days, the bill automatically becomes a law, as if the President had signed it. If Congress is no longer in session at the end of the ten days, the bill does not become law. That is known as a pocket veto.

If a president does not act on a bill within 10 days what happens?

If the Congress is still in session, the bill becomes a law after 10 days even if the President has not signed it or vetoed it. If the President vetoed the bill, Congress has to override the veto in order for it to become a law. If the President has not signed the bill within 10 days and the Congress is not in session, it does not become a law. This is called a "pocket veto."

Which action allows the president to kill a bill the last 10 days Congress is in session by refusing to act on it?

pocket veto (by Solomon Zelman)

When can the US president use his power to veto a bill?

He has only ten days to exercise his veto power once a bill is reported to him. If he fails to act in those 10 days, the bill becomes law. However, if Congress adjourns before he has had 10 days to respond, the bill dies if he does not sign it.

What happens when a president sets a bill aside and ignores it?

If a President does not sign a bill and Congress is in session, after 10 days that bill becomes law. If the President does not sign a bill and Congress is not in session, after 10 days it is vetoed. This is called a pocket veto.

How long does the president have to act upon a bill from congress?

He has ten days to approve it or veto it. If he does nothing, it becomes law unless Congress has adjourned during these ten days. In this latter case, the bill is effectively vetoed , the so-called pocket veto.

What is the entire process of a law that ends as a pocket veto?

The process for a pocket veto is the same as far as the passing of any other bill by the House and Senate. The bill is passed and then it is sent to the president for him to sign. That is where the the process changes. If the bill is presented to the president and under the constiution he has 10 days to sign or reject the bill. If the congress is not in cession then he can just take no action on the bill and then it is died due to the "Pocket Veto" It can only be used if congress is not on cession. If congress is in cession and the president does not act on a bill within the 10 days then it becomes law with the president having to sign it.

What president signed the Iraqi liberation act?

Bill Clinton.