Anna Jarvis was born on May 1, 1864.
Anna Jarvis House was created in 1854.
Anna Jarvis died on November 24, 1948 at the age of 84.
Anna Jarvis was the woman who originated Mother's Day. She lived in Webster, WV (near Grafton, WV).
Anna Jarvis died on November 24, 1948 at the age of 84.
Ann Jarvis died in 1905.
Anna Maria Reeves Jarvis was born on September 30, 1832.
Anna Maria Reeves Jarvis was born on September 30, 1832.
Anna Marie Jarvis is the founder of the Mother's Day holiday in the United States.
Anna Jarvis was born on May 1, 1864 and died on November 24, 1948. Anna Jarvis would have been 84 years old at the time of death or 151 years old today.
Appalachian housemaker Anna Jarvis invented Mother's day.
The Philadelphian who fought hard for celebration of mothers day is Anna M. Jarvis