The Canadian Constitution was written by many members of the Canadian Parliament. It was called the British North America Act of 1967.
The constitution is NOT (as previously stated here) on a single page. It is printed on 6 pages: pages 1-4 are the base text of the constitution page 5 is the letter of transmittal page 6 contains the Bill of Rights
excerpt from : 19. The measurements of the original Constitution? The Constitution: four sheets, approximately 28 3/4 in. by 23 5/8 in. each.
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the Canada Act.
The Indian act, the numbered treaties , the Canadian constitution and the Manitoba act.
Self-Constitution has 230 pages.
The Constitution of Liberty has 576 pages.
A More Perfect Constitution has 352 pages.
Restoring the Lost Constitution has 394 pages.
The Great Canadian Comic Books has 264 pages.
The Great Northern Brotherhood of Canadian Cartoonists has 138 pages.
The Canadian Constitution was written by many members of the Canadian Parliament. It was called the British North America Act of 1967.
The original hand written copy filled 4 pages.
Scarlet Riders is by Don Hutchinson. The paperback has 280 pages. It is about the Canadian Mounties.
Four, but they're quite large.
Since Ontario is one of the 10 provinces of Canada, it falls under the Canadian Constitution. For more on the Canadian Constitution click on Canadian Constitution in the Related Links section below.