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Almost half the 54 regiment was killed during the sieze of Fort Wagner 256 of their 600 , and only a few hundred confederates died.

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Q: How many people died in th battle of fort Wagner?
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When did First Battle of Fort Wagner happen?

First Battle of Fort Wagner happened on 1863-07-10.

When did Second Battle of Fort Wagner happen?

Second Battle of Fort Wagner happened on 1863-07-18.

Did the north or south win the battle of fort Wagner?

the south won the battle of Fort Wagner and they also showed how valueable the blacks were

What year is the battle of fort Wagner?


What army won the US Civil Battle known as the Second Battle of Fort Wagner?

The Second Battle of Fort Wagner was on July 18, 1863 in South Carolina. There Confederate forces stopped for the second time, the Union's attempt to capture that fort.

Where was battle of fort Wagner?

Morris Island, South Carolina

Who was the union leader in the battle of Fort Wagner?

Pat mehiny

What was the outcome of the US Civil War Battle of Fort Wagner?

The Battle of Fort Wagner was a Confederate victory on July 11, 1863. This would be the first Union attempt to take control of the fort. The fort was an important fortification protecting the Charleston South Carolina Harbor.

Where did the battle of fort Wagner take place?

Charleston, South Carolina

What battle brought glory to the 54Th Massachusetts regiment?

The battle of Fort Wagner, near Charleston.

When did the fort Wagner battle happen?

in 1488 before his wife dies in 1487

How many people died from each army in the battle of fort Sumter?

No one died in the Battle of Fort Sumter. It was harmless. The south fired upon the fort for over 33 hours. Unluckily, no one got wounded or died.