many people died
There was an economic recession that many people blamed Van Buren for causing or at least not fixing.
Well nearly 15 thousand people died at the Battle of Pensacola
There are many people who have died because of eating spoiled frozen desserts. These people likely had an allergy to milk in the first place.
thousands its really sad
The Suez crisis is also known as the Suez war and it was a war that was fought by Britain, France and Israel against Egypt. The war followed Egypt's decision of 26th July 1956 to nationalize the Suez canal. This was after the withdrawal of an offer by Britain and the US to fund the building of the Aswan dam, which was partly in response to Egypt siding with China during the tensions between China and Taiwan.
In the making of the Suez canal about 120,000 Egyptains died....... that's all i know ^-^
in October 19th 2012, the number of deaths was approximately 37,597
According to United Nations figures, 53 Canadians were killed during peacekeeping operations as part of UNEF 1, the Suez Canal operation of 1956-1957. This was the bulk of the 100 fatalities of that mission.
30,000 people were working on the canal at any one time, although 1.5 million from all over the world were connected in some way. Thousands of laborers died on the project,
many people died, for the best result i advise you to go onto 'bbc history chunks and info' to get the best detailed answer :)
It was estimated that 30,000 people were working on the canal at any one time
The Syrian crisis is getting out of hand.Excuse me Mr Prime Minster, but we have a crisis on our hands.The nuclear crisis was the beginning of the end of the world.
30,000 at any one time although 1.5 million people from around the world were involved
Because when edward the confessor died, lots of different people claimed he said they could be king after him, so there were many war's and fights about who sould be king of england.
The Great Depression did not have a specific death toll, as it was an economic crisis that led to widespread suffering and hardship. However, it is estimated that millions of people around the world died as a result of poverty, malnutrition, and lack of access to healthcare during this time.