too many
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There are about 300 thousand adults that live in Canada. This number fluctuates based on the number of people who move in and out of the country.
5 million people live in the United States, and still going up.About 3.000 million people live in United States
Whitby, on the coast. Whitby, on the coast.
Live in Whitby was created on 2010-07-26.
It depends on what type of day. On their special regatta weekend there are many more people on a normal day even though Whitby will never be dead!!
the type of people that live in whitby is very specific. Whitby originated from the word WIt-a- by or something which in some othe language means "White Town" which is exactly what it is. Whitby is full of white people and it always has been untill now when all the overflow people from scarborough come and settle there. Anyway, its a amizeing place to live with great senerioury and people. Liveing there gives a sence of peace- like you escaped from the bust noisy city into and town yet, your so close to toronto. It has a rich culture, horistric sites, and the best private schools. Whitby generally is better to live in than toronto because there are no large business or big residental towers. There is a lacking of crime other than teenagers smokeing pot. Whitby allows you to escape the city and gives you a sence that your in a better place. I would live thare than in toronto any day.
There are many different types of shop in Whitby, but the most well known are the Whitby Jet Jewellery shops.
Whitby, North Yorkshire had a population of 13,213 when the last census was conducted in 2011.
Whitby has a history of Herring Fishing and a Whaling industry. Both stopped many, many years ago.
Captain Cook lived in Whitby while he was an apprentice in ship building. He also sailed from Whitby when he discovered many parts of the world, including Hawaii and Australia.
Whitby From Archana K
The grass snake and the Adder
The Whitby was created in 1924.