According to this data if read correctly, there were 1,572,855 retired federal employees. This was as of 2006 year end.
There are also currently over 1,300,000 retired military personnel receiving a pension.
A federal system is the government for the whole country. In the US, the "main office" of all federal government agencies is Washington, DC. There are many offices of the federal government located all over the country, in US territories, and many countries throughout the world.
the Federal Government speaks for the Nation as a whole. Many other levels (State, County and City for example) of Government have written guidelines and divided power. The 10th amendment grants most powers to the states and the people.
Federalism and the federal system define the basic structure of American government. There were many disagreements at the Constitutional Convention. Many delegates feared a national government that was too strong and many delegates feared that states' rights would merely continue the weak form of government under the Articles. The Constitution created a federal system of government (federalism) as a compromise. Under federalism, power is shared and divided between national and state governments. Both levels have their own agencies and officials and directly affect the people. The Founding Fathers really had no other choice except federalism. The weak union created under the Articles would not work yet people did not want to give all the power to a national government. Federalism was the middle ground--compromise--a way to distribute authority between the states and the national government
To a very limited degree the Federalists actually preferred to have a "strong" central government. Many opponents to the federalists argued the point of danger inherent with placing so much power in the hands of so few so far away from the people that they were to represent. No "Party" in and of itself actually supported a centralized federal government although there were many individuals that did as well as many more that feared the constitution would give the federal government would illegally usurp that power. One of the methods for preventing this was the addition of the tenth amendment into the Constitution within the Bill of Rights. The Tenth amendment declared that the powers of the federal government were few and well defined and that any powers not specifically granted to the federal government by nature, reverted to the States and to the people.
The age set by the government for retirement in Canada is 65, although it is not compulsory to retire at this age. Many people work past this age and many people may retire early due to various reasons.
Way too many!
Social Security is a Bankrupted Government Program that was started with good intentions of providing some (not all) retirement money to the American workers once they retired from the work force.It has since been looted by congress, to pay for the many other 'handout' programs they have in place today and many other inappropriate things they have chosen to spend your money on.
2.6 million2.6 million
In 2010, about 419,000 people visited the parts managed by the federal government.
Absolutely! The Federal Government has done this many times.
Many countries around the world have a Federal Government, all "made" at different times.
The federal government currently consists of members of the Australia Labor Party.
The federal government
A federal system is the government for the whole country. In the US, the "main office" of all federal government agencies is Washington, DC. There are many offices of the federal government located all over the country, in US territories, and many countries throughout the world.