Each state decides. Also any one is free to make a party, so the number is questionable.
Democrat & Republican
== Political parties didn't really come until after the Constitutional Convention. At the CC, everyone was in pretty much agreement that the Constitution had to be fixed, and fast. Of course, there were some differences, but the first political parties didn't evolve until Washington's presidency. In his presidency, two of his cabinet members, Alexander Hamilton (Treasury) and Thomas Jefferson (State), did not agree on anything at all and hated each other, and the first political parties, the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans, were formed.
There is a lot of animosity between the political parties in the United States. Each political party thinks that the other party is wrong, and they fight with each other over small things instead of trying to fix the big things.
George Washington was strongly against America dividing into two different political parties. In his farewell address, he wanted the people of his nation to be united, and he felt that political parties would turn his nation against each other. He also warned against foreign entanglements.
Democrat & Republican
Generally, the political parties nominate electors at their State party conventions or by a vote of the party's central committee in each State.
The Nominating Convention pof both political parties.
The form of government with no political parties or elections is autocracy. The supreme power is in the hands of each individual.
Federalism contributed to economic and political differences among the states because it allowed each state freedom to make its own laws. Each state was also able to draft its own constitution.
The political parties in each state choose slates of potential Electors sometime before the general election. On Election Day, the voters in each state select their state's Electors by casting their ballots for President. The electoral college Electors in most states are selected by state party conventions or by the state party's central committee. In a few states the Electors are selected by primary election or by the party's presidential nominee. Political parties often choose Electors that are state elected officials, state party leaders, or people in the state who have a personal or political affiliation with their party's Presidential candidate. Democratic and Republican electors in Arizona in 2016 were chosen by the chairmen of state political parties.
how many mps who work in the house of commons belong to each of the main political parties
The electoral college now reflects each state's popular vote.
a relationship between two political parties which help each other
Each major political party in America is organized by function AND geographic region. Parties are organized geographically into national, state, and local organizations, and by function into officeholders, activists and paid workers, and voters (the party-in-the-electorate). American political parties are not formally based on social/economic class -- anyone can join.
There are 51 political parties in the USA. The Democrat and Republican Parties are the two main ones. If you want to know more about each party, go to http://www.politics1.com/parties.htm.
It is true that each party has a committee in each state.