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FDR..... is that the only ?
Franklin Roosevelt is the only president who served for more than two terms or more than 8 years.
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FDR..... is that the only ?
Franklin Roosevelt is the only president who served for more than two terms or more than 8 years.
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Q: How many presidents served more than 2 terms?
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How many US Presidents served more than two term?

Only one and that was Franklin Roosevelt.

Can Bush serve more than two terms?

No, President Bush cannot serve any more terms since he has already done two. No president can do any more than two terms under our current U.S. law.

How many presidents had 2 terms or more?

Presidents who served two full terms were George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Ulysses S. Grant, Grover Cleveland, Woodrow Wilson, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush. Then Franklin D. Roosevelt served three full terms and died in his 4th. Barack Obama has been elected to a second term which will soon begin. Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley and Richard Nixon were elected to two terms but failed to complete them.

How many years is in one term how many terms did George Washington serve?

United States presidents are elected to terms that last 4 years. George Washington served 2 terms (8 years) setting the precedent for all subsequent presidents until FDR - who was elected to 4 terms but died during his 4th. Shortly thereafter, the Constitution was amended to limit all future presidents to a maximum of 2 terms unless they were first elected vice president and then assumed office when the president they are serving under leaves office with less than half his term remaining. In that case then can finish the unexpired term and then serve two additional full terms for a total of just less than 10 years maximum. No president since FDR has served more than 8 years.

How many terms did each president serve?

12 Presidents (J Adams, JQ Adams, Van Buren, Polk, Pierce, Buchanan, Hayes, B Harrison, Taft, Hoover, Carter and GHW Bush) each served one term. 10 Presidents (WH Harrison, Tyler, Taylor, Fillmore, A Johnson, Garfield, Arthur, Harding, Kennedy and Ford) each served part of a term. 12 Presidents (Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Grant, Cleveland, Wilson, Eisenhower, Reagan, Clinton and Bush) each served two complete terms. Cleveland is the only one of these whose terms were not consecutive. 7 Presidents (Lincoln, McKinley, T Roosevelt, Coolidge, Truman, LB Johnson and Nixon) served one complete term and (either before or after) part of another. 1 President (FD Roosevelt) served three complete terms and part of a fourth. The current President, Obama, is partway through his first term as of Feb 2011.

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How many Presidents served more than one term and list?

27 of the 44 US presidents served more than one term in office. 19 of these were elected to more than one term in office. The other 8 served out the term of a president who died in office and were re-elected for a second full term. Only one president served more than two terms, Franklin D Roosevelt, who served three full terms and was elected for a fourth but died in office before finishing that term.

Why are there 56 inaugural celebrations but only 44 presidents?

Some Presidents served more than one term.

How many presidents have served for more than 8 years?

One. FDR.

What percent of all US presidents have served out two or more full terms of office Answer?

FDR was the only president to serve more than two consecutive terms due to the second world war.

How many times can a president of France be elected?

As of 2000, in France, one term is equal to five years. There use to not be a limit on the number of terms a president can serve. The constitutional law of 23 July 2008 changed this rule to a president can serve no more than two consecutive terms. To date, only two presidents have served two full terms, Jacques Chirac and Francois Mitterrand. Coincidentally, both presidents served these terms before this law was instated.

How many presidents have served for ten years other than Roosevelt?

No president other than FDR served for more than 8 years.

Can Barack Obama serve more terms as president of the United States?

No. After years of tradition where Presidents served no more than 2 terms, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the only President to serve more than 2. He was in the beginning of his 4th term (his third re-election) when he died. In 1947, the 22nd Amendment was passed which limited Presidents to 2 terms. It was ratified by the states in 1951.

How many US Presidents served more than two term?

Only one and that was Franklin Roosevelt.

What U.S. president served 3 consecutive terms?

FDR was elected to 4 terms (1932, 1936, 1940, and 1944) then died in April 1945.No president before him had been elected to more than 2 terms and after him the 22nd Amendment limited future presidents to no more than 2 terms.

Can Bush serve more than two terms?

No, President Bush cannot serve any more terms since he has already done two. No president can do any more than two terms under our current U.S. law.

What presidents have served more then one term?

John Adams is one of them.