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There are 435 members in the House of Representatives.

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Q: How many represenitives in the House of represenitives?
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How many people are there in the house of represenitives?

There Are 435 Members In The House Of Represenitives.

How many are in the house of represenitives?


How many represenitives are in the house of represinatives?


How many federal level house of represenitives are in Kentucky?

There are six.

How many members are in the Minnesota house of representatives?

There are 134 members in the Minnesota House of Representatives.

What is the lower house of congress?

the lower house of congress is the house of represenitives!

How many state represenitives does Tennessee have?

It has 99 members of the State House of Representatives and 9 members of the US House of Representatives.

How many tea party members are in the house of represenitives?

49 members of the House of Representatives are members of the Tea Party caucus.

How many represenitives does Michigan have?

Michigan has 14 representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives.

What is another name for the senate and house of represenitives?

house is the general assembly

Which house requires you to be a citizen for at least 7 years?

House of Represenitives