Each state has 2 senators in the US Senate. (see the related link below)
*The Michigan Legislature consists of a 38-member Senate and 110-member House of Representatives. Senators serve four-year terms and Representatives two.
Each state has two US Senators. The number of state senators is determined by the state.
this question has not been answered yet so feel free to answer it if you know it
Each state has 2 senators in the US senate.
Every state has two US Senators. 40
Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow are the senators for Michigan.
the state michigan has a line dividing the state
A maxim of 2 senators.
100, 2 per state
100 2 per each state There are two senators per state in the U.S.
none or 200345
Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow are the senators for Michigan.
Two per State.
100 senators. Two for each state, unlike the House of Representives where the amount of Congressmen vary from state to state based on poupulation.
Every state is entitled to two U. S. Senators.
Every US state, including Illinois, has two US senators.
Each state sends two.