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It is 294 steps to the top.

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Q: How many steps does Bunker Hill monument have?
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Why was the battle of the bunker hill important for the colonists?

many people died the british which made the Americans fight harder.

How many men were in Bunker Hill?

ANSWER:The Battle of Bunker Hill happened on June 17, 1775. More than 1,000 British soldiers and about 400 Americans were killed or wounded. Many historians consider the Battle of Bunker Hill - the bloodiest battle of the entire American Revolutionary War. The colonists went to Breeds hill because the leader couldn't see where they were going so the wounded up there

Who was the general that misjudged the patriots position on bunker hill and lost many of his troops?

The assault was ordered by Gen. Thomas Gage and was carried out by Gen. William Howe.

Significance of bunker hill?

The Battle of Bunker Hill (more accurately Breed's Hill) constituted the first major battle of the American Revolution (1775-1783). Although the British accomplished their objective, they did so at a heavy cost. This moral victory united the Americans in their opposition to the British. Also Colonists throughout America realized that the conflict was no longer restricted to Boston and or Massachusetts, and Bunker Hill became a rallying cry of the patriots in every contest of the war. Together with Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill also demonstrated that American militia was capable of standing up to the best that the British could offer.

What was the temperature during bunker hill?

According to the book The Boston Campaign, written by Victor Brooks, it was 95 degrees that afternoon. On the third and final charge many of the British shed their red coats.