

Best Answer


Barbara Boxer - CA
Maria Cantewell - WA
Susan Collins - ME
Dianne Feinstein - CA
Kirsten Gillibrand - NY
Kay Hagan - NC
Kay Bailey Hutchison - TX
Amy Klobuchar - MN
Mary Landrieu - LA
Blanche Lincoln - AR
Claire McCaskill - MO
Barbara Mikulski - MD
Lisa Murkowski- AK
Patty Murray - WA
Jeanne Shaheen - NH
Olympia Snowe - ME
Debbie Stabenow - MI

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15y ago
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14y ago

There are currently 17 female US Senators in the 111th Congress. Although this may seem to be a significant number, history shows that it is not exactly so. There have only been 38 women total since the establishment of the Senate in 1789. Out of the 17 today 13 were appointed of which 7 were appointed to succeed their deceased husbands.

The 17 include:

1. Barbara Mikulski (Maryland)

2. Patty Murray (Washington)

3. Dianne Feinstein (California)

4. Barbara Boxer (California)

5. Kay Bailey Hutchison (Texas)

6. Olympia Snowe (Maine)

7. Susan Collins (Maine)

8. Mary Landrieu (Louisiana)

9. Blanche Lincoln (Arkansas)

10. Maria Cantwell (Washington)

11. Debbie Stabenow (Michigan)

12. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)

13. Amy Klobuchar (Minnesota)

14. Claire McCaskill (Missouri)

15. Jeanne Shaheen (New Hampshire)

16. Kay Hagan (North Carolina)

17. Kirsten Gillibrand (New York)

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14y ago

17 of the Senate are female.

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15y ago

17 of the 100 U.S. Senators are women.

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13y ago

17 women in my house ok

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Q: How many women are in the us senate of 2009?
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In 2007, there were 16 women serving in the United States Senate.

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in the US senate, they are allowed

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The Senate will convene on January 6th. It is the same for the U.S. House.

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The senate is scheduled to vote today, Oct 27, 2009

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If you are running for the US Senate, you must be a citizen of the US.

How many representatives are there in the senate?

there are 100 representatives in the us senate

How many US senate are there?

100 senate 2 from the 50 state

How many members that are in the senate that are female?

There are 17 female residents in the US, and 83 are male in the US's senate.

How many senators the US Senate have?

The US Senate has 100 senators, two for each of the fifty states.