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Q: How many years does a representative of Washington state serve in one term?
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Are There limits on terms representative and Senators in Washington can serve?

Representatives may only serve two years, unless re-elected. Senators may only serve for six years, unless re-elected.

How many years can a state representative serve?

It varies according to each State's Constitution, but most don't have any limits.

How old must someone be to serve as representative?

A representative must be twentyfive years old and an USA citizen and he/she must serve for two years.

How often is there an election to vote on a new representative?

state and federal representatives serve 2 years per term

How may years do the house of representative serve?

They serve for two year terms.

How long does a Michigan Representative serve?

2 years

How many years does a representative serve?

There are two ways to read this question: (a) if by "state representative", it is meant a state's representative(s) to the US House of Representatives, the term is 2 years. (b) if the questions refers to representatives to the Legislature of a state, then the answer varies, according to the state in question, and if the representative will sit in the lower or upper house of the legislature.

How old do you have to be to serve as a state representative in Illinois?

Must be at least 21 years of age and must be a resident of the district they will represent for no less than 2 years.

How many terms can a House Representative's serve?

A House of Representative member can serve an unlimited amount of years as a member of the House of Representatives. They run for election every two years.

How many years serve of House of Representatives?

A Representative has a term of two years.

How long does someone serve as representative in Florida?

6 years

What are the terms for being a us representative?

You have to be at least 25 years of age, a resident of your state for 14 years, and you serve in Congress for two years and then you're up for re-election again.