I think it was about 50 cents to 2 $, there was time when women use to sew the sack of flour and wear them so the flour companies decided to use color prints on the sack so that they have colorful dresses to wear.
The cost of a water bill in the 1950s cost about $3.50.
a bottle would cost around $30.
1824,1860,1896 and 1932
57 divided by 3 = 19
500 dollars
A mens wool sweater costs 5 million dollars.
over one hundred
The cost of dry cleaning a sweater can vary depending on the location and type of sweater, but it typically ranges from $5 to $20. It's best to inquire with your local dry cleaner for an accurate price.
The sweater will cost $12.00 without any tax's or add ons.
A north face jacket costs about $200 the sweater waterproof cost from $100-$200(Most Popular) and the sweaters that just have The North Face in big letters cost $60-$70.
During the Great Depression, the cost of a sweater could vary greatly depending on the quality, brand, and location. On average, a basic sweater could cost anywhere from a few dollars to around $10, which was a significant amount considering the economic hardships of the time.
10 cents
1929 ice cream cone price
15 % of 47.60 would make the sale price $40.46.