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Q: How much was the constitution penned for?
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Who was one of the people who wrote the constitution of the us?

James Madison is known as the Father of the Constitution much as Thomas Jefferson is known as the Father of the Declaration of Independence. The Constitution was primarily penned by James Madison.

Who supported the Federalist Papers?

Alexander Hamilton organized writing the Federalist Papers, a series of 85 essays he, James Madison and John Jay penned in support of ratifying the US Constitution.

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European philosophers did not write the Constitution. It was written by a committee of Americans, led by William S. Johnson, penned by Gouverneur Morris, and every phrase and every clause negotiated by James Madison.

Why is George Mason important in US history?

George Mason was truly one of the Founding Fathers. He penned the Virginia Constitution which later became a groundwork for the US Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights. George Mason did not sign the constitution because he felt it was inadequate in its control of government power. George Mason is considered one of the proprieters of Libertarianism.

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Timothy Matlack penned the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote it.

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What French mathematician penned The Elements of Geometry in 1794 in which he clarified much of Euclid's work?

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How do you use penned in a easy sentence?

I penned a letter to my friend. NOTE: In the USA, we'd just say wrote.

Which french mathmatician penned the elements de geometrie in 1794 in which he clarified much of Euclid's work?

Adrien-Marie Legendre

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They professed to be, although how much actual belief their was in the things they penned is questionable.

What french mathematician penned The Elements de Geometrie in 1794 in which he clarified much of Euclid's work?

Adrien-Marie Legendre