On April 1, 2000. The US Census is done ever 10 years. The next census will be done April 1, 2010
As of 2010, The most recent census in Argentina, according to INDEC, the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos, was taken in 2001. The population of Argentina was measured as 36,260,130.
A census is an official count of members of a population of people (or of other living things). The government form of a census counts the residents or citizens in specified areas, often at regular intervals.The US Census is an official count of the population done at 10-year intervals, with estimations or corrections made in the intervening years. The latest US Census is for the year 2010.The purpose of the census is to gather information about the country and the people in it.
It is every 10 years.
Every 10 years. The next one will be in 2010.
Federal census is taken every 10 years. Some regional census polls are taken more often, but the law is for every 10 years.
The US Census is taken every ten years in the years ending in zero.
April 1, 2010
ever 10 years
In the United States, the census is conducted every 10 years. The next census will be in 2010.
Every ten years with the official United States census.
Every 10 years
The population of Groves, Texas is 16,181 as recorded at the time of the last census taken in 2011. It is located in the Jefferson County part of Texas.
The All India Wild Animal Census is done every four years. The census was last carried out in May 2014.
The census in Ireland is typically taken every five years. The most recent census was conducted in 2016, and the next one is scheduled for 2021.
A Cencus must be taken every 10 years Unknown standard
The first census of Alaska was taken in 1869. The census was taken at Sitka by the United States Army.