George Best was 59 years old when he died.
he would be 265 years old
He was 44 years old.
Augustine Washington , George Washington's father , died in April 12, 1743 at home in King George County, VA. He was 49 years old and George was 11.
George Washington lived to be 67 years old.
February 22. YAH!
He never had a enemies he love every body.
He liked to ride his horses. He liked to dance, and he liked to travel.
George Washiton, James Maddison, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams
She was born in Washiton D.C, t hen she moved to CA when she was 8 years old.
Because he was a good leader to the country. He was voted in twice so he served two terms as americas presisent.
washiton D.C
14 December 1799
the government borrow from other countries, so the country can afford to have a rebuild contruction
Geroge washiton
because she takes him to washiton