Some do it very well and present their case in a logical manner. Others are less erudite.
An agreement among various politicians about public spending.
Politicians rely on the votes of consumers to keep them in office.
African American politicians had varied economic pasts.
Historical arguments are formed to answer historical questions. Answer this question…
Oil Companies- give money to politicians and told them not to give to the government because they want to make money.
Term limits have been proposed because for the most part people do not like career politicians. The solution is to simply vote them out of office. Another thing that might help is to make illegal the gerrymandering of districts so politicians cannot rework the districts in the favor of their political party.
Make Politicians History was created in 1984.
Make Politicians History ended in 2009.
Citizens can hear arguments from both sides of an issue.
The acrimonious debate between the two politicians left the audience feeling uncomfortable due to the bitterness and hostility in their arguments.
To make other politicans look bad
You bet they should and so should the Presidency and the Premiers and politicians in Canada as well.
Politicians can use the internet to make campaigning more personal.
You cannot make it a better place. It is the only place we can live. You can, however, make it a worse place. But there is no need to worry about that. Politicians are on the job, and doing very well at it.
Vegetarians resort to ethical and environmental arguments as well when supporting their food choices.
to fight for people's well-being