The way that slaves were killed was they were beaten to death and shot for doing something bad.
Yes, some disobedient slaves were killed by excessive whipping. This, however, was not the case for all slaves and masters. While there were surely some mean owners, most of them treated their slaves fairly. This is because they knew how important the slaves were to their economy.
They killed and hunted down the slaves killing all the ones that would revolt making sure that it would never happen again, is what the southerners thought, but it only sparked more slaves to revolt.
Estimates vary, but it is believed that 6824 Am Patriots were killed in action, 3000 Am. Loyalists were killed in action, another 18,500 died in captivity or of disease. An additional 24,000 British troops were killed in action or died of disease as well. It is estimated that 100,000 slaves and probably as many civilians died of disease, starvation or actually killed in battles.
to replace Indian slaves with African slaves
They wanted them for sacrifice and women and young girls were kept as slaves. These slaves increase the worth of the slave holder. Young boys were neutered and the men were all killed. The young boys were actually eaten and often were called "my main course".
Roman and Egytian slaves would usually be killed if one of their number had killed their master but no other slaves would be killed unless that wish was in their will.
She killed them
There was about 30,000 killed
The cooperheads were slaves who killed other slaves for money.
Slaves were often killed as a means of punishment or control by their owners or overseers. In some historical contexts, slaves were also killed in acts of brutality or as a result of harsh conditions and mistreatment.
yes but being slaves they were killed if they rebeled.
killed them
the Jews were slaves. Otherwise slaves have existed in amost every society.
Slaves were yelled at and often beaten. Some were even killed.
He killed two Icelanders named Eyiolf the Foul and Holmgang-Hrafn (Dueling-Raven).
Slaves, killed, or sex trade.
Slaves were rarely killed by their owners because they were so expensive and valuable.