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McCarthy accused many Americans of being communists. Ironically, he was never able to actually identify any communists. People who McCarthy named were brought before a senate committee and made to testify, and try to explain their innocence. McCarthy ruined many careers by falsely accusing people of being communist.

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Q: How were the accused by McCarthy investigated?
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What happened to the accused in the McCarthy hearings of the 1950's?

they died of extremely violent diarrhea.

US Senator who in the 1950's accused many Americans of being communists?

Joseph McCarthy

What did McCarthy do for the red scare?

Mc Carthy started the red scare. he accused a government offical of hiring communist.

During the Red Scare in the US during 1952 what was Joseph Mccarthy's infamous list?

Senator Joseph McCarthy accused hundreds of actors, directors, and screenwriters of Communism with his Hollywood Blacklist. Many of the entertainment professionals were barred from their professions.

What did Senator Joseph McCarthy have to do with the Red Scare of the 1950's?

He conducted hearings on communist subversion in America and investigated alleged communist infiltration of the armed forces. But he did it in a way that advanced his own power and fame, and caused a great deal of trial and hardship for citizens who had different legitimate points of view politically without being disloyal to the US. Just to be accused by McCarthy, or brought before one of his hearings was like a 'kiss of death'. Professions and reputations were ruined during that cold war period, just because of the strange paranoid fear that was spread and kindled by McCarthy and his henchmen. Many in the entertainment industry were 'black-listed' and prevented from work; producers and directors feared that if they hired actors and others who had been 'exposed' by McCarthy, they would be accused of subversive activity just by hiring them. While he may not have been a communist, McCarthy was certainly not beyond reproach. For his reckless accusations and his inability to substantiate them, he was eventually censured by the Senate; his run at power and fame came to an end. There are many other interesting things about his life and career.