President Nixon hired a group of shady individuals known as 'The Plumbers,' to carry out his illegal activities. While they were initially hired to get to the bottom of press leaks, they eventually ended up involved in the Watergate Scandal that led to Nixon's resignation.
G.Gordon Liddy
Richard trickey dick Nixon one of our presidents President Richard M. Nixon Richard NixonThat's "Tricky Dick". It refers to President Richard Nixon.
After Richard Nixon resigned, his vice-President, Gerald Ford, became President.
Ford was appointed VP by Nixon. When Nixon resigned, Ford became president.
Ricahard Nixon was President when the US troops were withdrawn by March 29,1973.
Nixon is the answer. These "plumbers" were part of the Watergate Affair which was Nixon's undoing.
These fellows were part of the Watergate scandal that caused Richard Nixon to resign.
The unit was called the White House Plumbers. It was formed during President Nixon's administration to investigate and respond to leaks of classified information and carry out covert operations to protect the administration's interests. The Plumbers were involved in the Watergate scandal, which eventually led to Nixon's resignation.
Richard M. Nixon was the President implictated in the Watergate Scandal.
The Plumber's were a group of ex- CIA and FBI agents that Nixon hired to dig up dirt on his opponents or enemies. In 1972, Nixon and the plumbers began to secretly dig up dirt on democrats for the upcoming election. They called this the Committee to Reelect the President, or "CREEP"
"The White House Plumbers" or just "the Plumbers." They were called the Plumbers because they fixed leaks.
plan to organize the Plumbers
What was to become known as the Watergate scandal began June 17th, 1972 with the arrest of 5 "plumbers" burglarizing the Democratic headquarters at the Watergate Hotel.The "plumbers" were shown to have been paid from a slush fund attached to the Committee to RE Elect the President (CREEP).After 2 years of investigation evidence was uncovered linking the President directly with the attempted cover up and Richard Nixon resigned rather than face impeachment.
He approved a plan to organize the Plumbers.
Richard M. Nixon in his farewell address at the White House on August 9, 1974. (from MSN Encarta)
Gerald Ford replaced Nixon when he resigned his office.
No, President Nixon's term was from 1969-74. Then Gerald Ford was the 38th President from 1974-77. President Ford became president after Nixon!