governments that are characterized by legal restraints on political power
A representative government should provide checks and balances to the branches of government.
A single executive constrained by a system of checks and balances would best serve the new nation.
Granted constitutional independence to some local units, primarily larger cities, giving them constitutional authority over their form of government and a wide range of other matters.
divided between national govt and lower levels of govt.
Constitutional Monarchy
A representative government should provide checks and balances to the branches of government.
Constitutional, Multi-party democracy.
Aristotle believed that the best form of government was a constitutional government, which combines elements of oligarchy and democracy. He argued that a constitutional government would best serve the common good by balancing the interests of the wealthy and the poor.
checks and balnces
what the public thinks about government and politics
For Aristotle, it was necessary to acknowledge that all forms of government were imperfect including democracy. He believed that the best form of constitutional government was one in which the leader had the best interest of the people especially of those people who were in need.
A federal government is best illustrated by United States of America. Great Britain, Spain, and Japan are all Constitutional Monarchies.
A single executive constrained by a system of checks and balances would best serve the new nation.
A single executive constrained by a system of checks and balances would best serve the new nation.
A single executive constrained by a system of checks and balances would best serve the new nation.
executive branch