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Q: If a journal says that their articles are in public domain do you need to get additional permission to post that article on a website?
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How can you obtain the copyrights for pictures of Where the wild things are for a journal article?

For permission to reprint, contact the editor of the journal in the first instance.

Why was David Walker's article in the Freedom and Journal different from other articles at that time?


Why was David Walker's article in the Freedom's Journal different from other articles?

B I think

Why was David Walker's article in the Freedoms Journal different from other articles at that time?

He was the first to speak for slaves to rebel against slavery.

Why was David Walker's article in the Freedom Journal different from other articles at that time?

You need to answer this question. Your teacher is looking for your critical thinking on the article you were given. We can give support and suggestions, but not do your work.

Why was David Walker's article in the Freedom's Journal different from other articles at that time?

You need to answer this question. Your teacher is looking for your critical thinking on the article you were given. We can give support and suggestions, but not do your work.

What is the price of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale?

The Barratt Impulsiveness Scale was published in a journal article in 1985. Gaining access to the article only costs as much as subscription to an online database of scientific articles.

Where can you find articles on health?

You may try this publisher Scientific Research Publishing, there are many journals in the field of health, like the journal Health, International Journal of Clinical Medicine, Journal of Diabetes Mellitus…I have read some interesting papers in the platform.

My friend recommends a journal called Open Journal of Animal Sciences to me, how about this journal?

It is a good journal and I published one paper in it. The article was published within 2 months after I submitted it. The journal publishes papers so quickly and the editors are very professional. I like this journal very much. Readers can download and read all articles for free.

Does A journal article usually present new findings in research?

Yes, journal articles typically present new findings or research results to contribute to the existing body of knowledge in a particular field. The article usually includes a literature review, methodology, results, and discussion to support the new findings.

If you are citing a journal article you found in the Journal of Civil War History in the database JSTOR what is the container(s) for the article?

The container for the journal article found in the Journal of Civil War History in the JSTOR database is the "Journal of Civil War History." JSTOR is the database where the article is accessed, while the specific issue and page numbers of the article can be seen as sub-containers within the Journal of Civil War History.

What is a scientific journal article?

a scientific journal is a journal of data recorded from scientist