A bill has to pass through both the House of Representatives and the Senate, and then be signed off by the President, before it is law. If the President disagrees then a two/thirds majority in each of the two Houses can override the President's veto. Therefore if it just passes through one House it has failed.
That bill gets sent to the other house to be considered and voted on by its members. This second house can do one of three things. It can vote to pass the bill, in which case the bill gets sent to the President for his signature or veto. It can vote to deny the bill entirely, in which case it becomes a dead bill. Or it can make modifications to it in any way it chooses, then send it back to the first chamber for its consideration and vote of the modified bill. If the first chamber votes for passage of the modified bill, the modified bill gets sent to the President.
There are five possibilities:
The President signs it and it becomes law.
The President vetoes it and it does not become law.
The President vetoes it but Congress may make it law by overruling the veto by a 2/3 vote by each House of Congress.
The President takes no action and at the end of ten days, the bill becomes law without his signature.
The President takes no action and if Congress adjourns before ten days, the bill does not become law.
House of representatives: 435 Senate: 100 Congress: 535
House of Representatives
In a state - any member of the State Legislature. In the Congress - any member of the Representative or Senator.
The House of Representatives has this responsibility and power.
Congress must have a 'quorum'. That means that at least half of the members must be present. That would be 50 in the Senate and 219 in the House.
It goes to the other house for approval :)
the legislative branch decides, that is - the elected members of Congress and the House,as signed and approved by the President.
The members of Congress are Representatives (in the House of Representatives) and Senators (in the Senate).
By far, the group in Congress that has more members is the U.S House of Representatives. The Senate only has 100 members. The House, however, has 435 voting members.
There are 535 members of the U.S. Congress. Congress is bicameral -- the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate has 100 voting members and the House of Representatives has 435 members.
Congress is a term that describes both the Senate and the House, when combined.
The U.S. Congress is comprised of the 100 senators in the U.S. Senate and the 435 members in the U.S. House of Representatives.
there are 100 members in senate and 435 members in the house of representatives so there are 535 total members in congress :]
A bill must be introduced in the congress by the members of the congress.
In the United States, "Member of Congress" is the same thing as "Member of the House of Representatives."
435 members in the house and 100 senators.
House of representatives: 435 Senate: 100 Congress: 535