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First off, the general public do not elect the voters in the electoral college. Those chosen to cast a vote as an elector are appointed to this position.

After the popular vote in each state has been tallied, the electors of that state, (however many there are) cast all of their state's electoral votes for the candidate their state chose. However, this system was designed to prevent the popular vote from making a bad choice for President. Because of this, the electors in the Electoral College have the ability to change their vote and give it to the other candidate. The number of votes given to each state is based on that state's population. That is why, for example, California has more than fifty electoral votes while some states have only two or three.

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Q: In France voters go the polls to elect the president whereas in America voter go to the polls to elect the electoral college According to you what do the electors of the electoral college do?
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How does each state elect who is to vote for president and vice-president?

The Electoral College choose the president and vice-president is by: First they have to choose a citizen that is born in the United States for instance. And the person that want to run to be the President have to be smart and have to be responsible. The 2 sens have to be born in the USA and have to do something good for the community or state. Then the people there have to vote for which one they choose to pick and which they thought is going to be a well-done president. After that the electoral college have to count it up by using a machine, and see how many votes each sen got. After totaling them up, they are going to see who win the Presidential-Debate thing. And you should watch the Presidential Debates either in || or || you can see how and what they are going to do with the country if they become the president and the vice-president.

How is the president selected according to the Constitution?

The people in each state vote to choose slates, or groups, of electors who are pledged to a particular candidate for President. The slate with the most votes becomes the electors for that state and they vote to choose the president and vice-president.

Who do the people vote for to in turn cast their votes for a presidential candidate?

Many Americans think that when they cast their ballot, they are voting for their chosen candidate for a better government. In actuality they are selecting groups of electors in the electoral college. A candidate must receive an absolute majority of electoral votes (currently 270) to win the Presidency.The election for President and Vice President is not a direct election by United States citizens. Citizens vote for electors, representing a state, who are the authorized constitutional participants in a presidential election.

Does the electoral college have the last word on who gets to be the next president of the US of America?

Yes. According to the population of a state, that state gets a number of votes. The votes are never splited so whoever candidate got majority in a state gets all the votes from that state. The electoral college is supposed to vote based on that.

What state did Washington represent?

George Washington never ran for president. Americans loved him so after he won the Revolution, they just MADE him president. The electors went to wherever electors went back then and voted, unanimously, for Washington for president. But thinking about it...if Washington would have had to run for president, he would have represented Virginia since that's where he lived.

Related questions

Why do Americans vote for the president of America?

According to the US constitution which is the basis of all US law and government, the President must be elected by electors chosen according to state law. The states have determined that these electors will be chosen by the voters of the state.

Why do you vote for president when the electoral college picks the president?

The popular vote decides who the electors will be. The people elect the electors and the electors elect the President. Furthermore, the electors swear to vote for a particular candidate. The voters know in advance how the electors they choose will vote.

Who elects the US president?

Its not just one person who determines the .US. President. So the PEOPLE that put the person in office is us the people of the United states of America so don't let any person the take you American rights.

In the united the presidents are elected by?

During the first three Presidential elections the President and the Vice-President were chosen by the number of electoral votes. The vice-president was chosen by having the second highest number of electoral votes.

How many votes must a presidential candidate receive in order to win the election?

Electoral votes in the Electoral College determine the President of the United States. Every state and DC are awarded a certain number of electoral votes with which to elect the President. Each state has electoral votes equal to the total of the 2 representative the state has in the U.S. Senate plus the number of representative the state has in the House of Representatives. The states choose as many electors as it has electoral votes and these electors elect the president. The electors are elected by popular vote in each state and each candidate for elector swears in advance whom he will vote for. 270 electoral votes in the Electoral College are needed to win the U.S. presidency. Since every state has two senators and at least one representative to the House, every state has at least 3 electoral votes. The District of Columbia gets 3 electoral votes. Therefore, the total number of electoral votes in the Electoral College is 538 - 100 (senators) + 435 (representatives) + 3 (for DC). A majority is 270 - one more than half of the total number of 538.

How many electoral colleges does Connecticut have?

Connecticut currently has 7 electoral votes. Electoral votes are the votes cast by members of the electoral college, whose votes help determine the next President and Vice President of the United States. The electoral college is a body of electors formally chosen by a larger group, who represent the states of America, to formally cast votes for Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates.

Has the electoral college ended?

No, the electoral college still exists and likely will for a while. It is a fundamental part of how we choose the president in America. It is in the U.S. Constitution.

How is the president of the US decided?

Every state has a certain amount of electors, and after the people of each state vote, the electors cast their votes based on their state. All of the electors in each state cast the same vote. The number of electors each state gets is their total number of representatives in Congress (house + senate) well, after the citizens of America vote on it, congress takes their votes and figures out who the people want, then they disreguard them. then congress has another vote on it and decides. its kinda like asking for dinner, the citizens can tell the congress what they want for dinner, but congress is in the kitchen so they get to decide in the end, whether you like it or not.

How does each state elect who is to vote for president and vice-president?

The Electoral College choose the president and vice-president is by: First they have to choose a citizen that is born in the United States for instance. And the person that want to run to be the President have to be smart and have to be responsible. The 2 sens have to be born in the USA and have to do something good for the community or state. Then the people there have to vote for which one they choose to pick and which they thought is going to be a well-done president. After that the electoral college have to count it up by using a machine, and see how many votes each sen got. After totaling them up, they are going to see who win the Presidential-Debate thing. And you should watch the Presidential Debates either in || or || you can see how and what they are going to do with the country if they become the president and the vice-president.

What is a name of the group of deglegates at which party elects president and vice president?

The Electoral College college

How is the winner of the presidential election determined?

The winner of the presidential election in the United States is determined by the Electoral College. Each state has a certain number of electors based on its representation in Congress, and the candidate who receives the majority of electoral votes (270 out of 538) becomes the president.

How is the president selected according to the Constitution?

The people in each state vote to choose slates, or groups, of electors who are pledged to a particular candidate for President. The slate with the most votes becomes the electors for that state and they vote to choose the president and vice-president.