In general, states in the western part of the United States are larger than states in the eastern part.
needs of eastern and western states <--WRONG to balance the interests of large and small states <--CORRECT
United States Attorneys are the chief prosecutors for the states. They're also referred to as United States District Attorneys.
It was shifting to the western states
partly out of their fear of western states having more power; land-rich states would pay of their war debts and the day to day costs of state government with the income from the sale of their wetsern lands
established weak governments.
In general, states in the western part of the United States are larger than the states in the eastern part.
The west has more mountains and a higher altitude compared to the east with slight hills and at or below sea level
Most western are bounded in "square-like" patterns and eastern in ways that follow river systems key word:MOST
The eastern and western sections of the United States are divided by the Mississippi River.
The Appalachian Mountains are in the eastern United States Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, and North Carolina.
The Appalachian mountains are in the eastern United States.
The Appalachian Mountains are in the Eastern United States.
The Appalachian mountains are in the eastern United States.