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the soviet party the Bolsheviks

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Q: In october 1917 the provisional government in russia after you were overthrown what people came to power?
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How did the Bolsheviks overthrow the Provisional government?

· As the war continued, people began to lose faith in the government. The people didn't trust the Tsarina as she was German and her close relationship with Rasputin caused a scandal. The Tsar wished to fight the bitter end of the war, but he soon failed as he lost his vital support, and his government was overthrown. · The existing Provisional Government was weak and unpopular among the workers, peasants and soldiers, but it was more unpopular with the Bolshevik Party who wanted power, so they stepped in and took it practically without firing a shot · On Nov. 7, 1917, Russia’s Bolshevik Revolution took place as forces led by Vladimir Lenin overthrew the provisional government of Alexander Kerensky. · The Provisional Government was now replaced by an administration headed by Vladimir Lenin.

The communists succeeded in overthrowing the Provisional Government in the November 1917 Revolution because .?

the Provisional Government lost the support of the people and the army

Was Nicholas II in favor of communism?

His official title was 'Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias', so no. He had complete control of everything and all power and decision making lay with him and him alone. The communist government rose up after the second revolution of October 1917, in which the provisional government that had been put in place after the Tsar's abdication in March of 1917 was overthrown.

What happened in the October Russian Revolution?

October 10 Lenin and the Bolshevik Central Committee decide to proceed with revolutionOctober 23 Provisional government acts to shut down all Bolshevik newspapersOctober 24 Provisional government deploys junkers Bolshevik troops begin to take over government buildings in the cityOctober 25 Kerensky escapes Petrograd Bolsheviks struggle all day long to capture Winter Palace Second Congress of Soviets convenesOctober 26 Provisional government is arrested early in the morning Lenin issues Decree on Peace and Decree on Land Congress approves Soviet of the People's Commissars, with all-Bolshevik membership, as new provisional government

What happened in October Russian revolution?

October 10 Lenin and the Bolshevik Central Committee decide to proceed with revolutionOctober 23 Provisional government acts to shut down all Bolshevik newspapersOctober 24 Provisional government deploys junkers Bolshevik troops begin to take over government buildings in the cityOctober 25 Kerensky escapes Petrograd Bolsheviks struggle all day long to capture Winter Palace Second Congress of Soviets convenesOctober 26 Provisional government is arrested early in the morning Lenin issues Decree on Peace and Decree on Land Congress approves Soviet of the People's Commissars, with all-Bolshevik membership, as new provisional government

What did Kerensky do?

Alexander Kerensky was the second leader of the Russian Provisional Government that had been set up after the February Revolution of 1917 forced Tsar Nicholas II to abdicate the throne. He continued to lead the Provisional Government (PG) until Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks overthrew Kerensky and the PG in the October Revolution later that year.

Was Alexander Kerensky of the 1917 Provisional government in Russia successful?

No, Alexander Kerensky was not successful. Kerensky and the Russian Provisional Government which he headed were overthrown by Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks in the October Revolution of 1917. Kerensky had failed to get Russia out of World War 1, failed to put an end to shortages of economic goods and failed to institute meaningful land reforms. All of these desires of the Russian people are what led to the February Revolution, the overthrow of the Czar and the creation of the Provisional Government in the first place. The main reason the Bolsheviks so easily seized control of the government from Kerensky was that he no longer had the support of the workers, soldiers or peasants of the country or of the various political parties that were trying to create a new permanent government. It has also been said that Kerensky had been undermined by various extreme socialist groups such as the Bolsheviks.

What is a coup d'eta?

A coup d'etat is when the government is quickly overthrown by a small group of people.

What was the outcome of Russian Revolution of 1917?

There were two revolutions in Russia in 1917. In the first on, the February Revolution, the Czarist regime of Nicholas Romanov II was overthrown in favor of a Provisional Government. It was supposed to keep order until a Constituent Assembly could be elected to write a constitution. The second one, the October Revolution, resulted in the overthrow of the Provisional Government, the dismissal of the Constituent Assembly and the takeover by Lenin and the Bolshevik Party. The Bolsheviks later took the name Communist Party and ruled until the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

In 1917 who rose to power in Russia?

the Bolsheviks Vladimir Lenin In 1917 several people rose to power because there were two separate revolutions in that year. In the February Revolution, the the rule of the Tsars came to an end. A Provisional Government headed by Prince Georgy Lvov then came into power. Some months later Alexander Kerensky came into power taking over the Provisional Government when "Lvov resigned. In the October Revolution, Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik Party rose to power when they overthrew the Provisional Government.

Why did people resent the Provisional Government after the March revolution?

Because it continued Russian involvement in World War I

What did the people in the street want to do with the member of the provisional government held By the red guard?

they wanted to lynch them and shots were fired