What are the principal vehicles through which the House and Senate do most of their legistlative work?
Congress must have a 'quorum'. That means that at least half of the members must be present. That would be 50 in the Senate and 219 in the House.
There is no standing conference committee. Before a bll passed by both chanbers can go to the President for signature, the two bills must match. When the differences in the bills need to be compromised and negotiated to match, a conference committee with members of both the House and Senate is formed to work out the differences and come to agreement.
The majority of senators present and vote for confirmation.
They must have present 2/3 of their members.
The correct answer is 2/3.
What are the principal vehicles through which the House and Senate do most of their legistlative work?
Congress must have a 'quorum'. That means that at least half of the members must be present. That would be 50 in the Senate and 219 in the House.
The people who work in the Legislative Branch of the government work either in the House of Representatives or the Senate. Together both the House and Senate make up Congress.
in the Congress building
the house of representatives would be able to spend more time doing legislative work than the senate because there are more members in the house of representatives than in the senate
U.S. Senators work in the U.S. Senate. The U.S. Congress is comprised of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives.