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A federal republic

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Q: In the US central and state governments work together to make political economic and social decisions for all citizens This form of government is called?
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In the US central and state governments work together to make political economic and socila decisions for all citizens this form of government is called?

a democracy

In the US central and state governments work together to make political economic and social decisions for all citizens. this form of government is called?

A federal republic

. In the US central and state governments work together to make political economic and social decisions for all citizens. This form of government is called?

A federal republic

When citizens are involved in the political decisions it what form of government?


What kind of government allows citizens to make political decisions in Greece?

Direct Democracy, as practiced in Ancient Athens, allowed citizens to make political decisions.

Citizens vote for their political representatives in governments shaped by the political principle of what?

The political principle of the Republicicanism. Republicicanism: the belief that government should be based on the consent of the people; people exercise their power by voting for political representatives.

What kind of government allowed citizens to make political decisions in ancient Greece?

Democratic ones.

How do authoritarian Democratic different from government?

Authoritarian governments have permission to do whatever while the US government have limitations on what they are allowed to do and the citizens make most of the decisions.

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Which government allows citizens to make decisions for themselves?


Which types of governments allow citizens to have the greatest amount of political influence?

A direct democracy form of government gives people the most significant amount of political influence. A dictatorship allows the least amount of political influence.

What should the government make a decision about?

The people in the government are elected to make decisions for the citizens, so they make decisions about many issues.