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the executive branch

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Q: In the US the Chief Executive and the administrative offices make up what branch?
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What branch of the government do the chief executive and the administrative offices make up?

The President of the United States, the Vice President, the Cabinet, and other departments and agencies are all part of the Executive Branch. There are over 4 million Americans that work in the United States Executive Branch, which includes the military.

What branch of government is the president chief of?

The president is chief of the executive branch of government.

What branch has chief executive?

The Executive Branch.

Who hold the chief executive of the executive branch today?

The President is chief executive of the Executive Branch of the US government.

What bulding does the executive branch work in?

The chief executive, who is the President, has his office in the White House, which is also his home. The other executive offices are headquartered in several office buildings in Washington with additional offices all over the country and embassies in foreign countries.

Is the president chief of the executive branch?

no. the president is the leader of the executive branch

Is the president the chief of the executive branch?

no. the president is the leader of the executive branch

The president is part of what branch of government?

The President is chief executive officer of the Executive Branch.

What do you call our chief executive?

The chief executive of the United States is called the President. The branch of government he represents is called the executive branch.

What title refers to the president as manager of the executive branch?

Chief executive or chief executive officer (CEO).

Who oversees the executive office of the president?

The president supervises all of the offices of the White House and the Executive Branch. He or she does not actually supervise, but has the authority in each office.

The president is chief of what branch?

The executive.