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Q: In what plan of government do the voters elect a chief executive and a legislature?
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In what plan of local government do the voters elect a chief executive and a legislature?


The relationship between the chief executive and the legislature?

The chief executive in a parliament government must answer the legislature for all the actions and policies it makes.

What does chief legislature mean?

A chief legislature is often known as a president. Their role is to be the executive in charge of the government and military personnel. The chief legislature is also the enforcer of the laws established by the executive branch.

What is government budgeting in the Philippines?

A government budget is a legal document that is often passed by the legislature, and approved by the chief executive-or president.

What country has constitutional monarchy parliamentary democracy and unitary government?

The united Kingdom is a Parliamentary system,a system of government where in the ministers of the executive branch are drawn from the legislature, and are accountable to that body, such that the executive and legislative branches are intertwined. In such a system, the head of government is both de facto chief executive and chief legislator.

Who was the supreme court chief justice?

The president of the United States is the chief of the executive branch, congress and voters are the leaders of the legislative branch, and each judge in the supreme court on the Judicial branch of government are appointed by congress and voters like you.

What branch of government is the president chief of?

The president is chief of the executive branch of government.

What is an chief of executive?

The US Government Chief Executive is the President.

How can the legislature can check the power of the executive?

The legislature can check the power of the chief executive or president by overriding, approving and impeaching.

In Mexico the chief executive is elected separately from the legislature and has independent powers?

Yes. The president also acts as head of government and head of state.

What is the chief executive of Tennessee government called?

The Tennessee government chief executive is called Governor.

What are the basic roles of a president?

Chief of State, Commander in Chief, Chief of Diplomat, Chief of Executive, Chief Legislature, Chief of Party, and Chief of the Economy