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Q: In what region do terrorist groups hope to establish a Muslim homeland?
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What region do terrorist groups hope to establish a muslim homeland?

Wherever it is that you live. Two sides to every coin....

Were the muslums in charge of attacking the twin towers?

Intelligence reports trace the September 11 attacks to Muslim terrorist groups yes.

Who was the terrorist groups in World War 1 and what did they believe?

There were no terrorist groups in World War I.

Who did the comity of Public Safety consider enemies of the State?

The committee of public safety considered environmental terrorist groups to be enemies of the state. Also, Muslim extremists

Are there any terrorist groups in Israel?

There is no terrorist group with its base of operations in Israel, but numerous Palestinian terrorist groups aim their violence towards Israel and intend to kill Israelis. The last Zionist Terrorist Group was the Irgun, which was disbanded in 1949.

Why Muslim fighting the government?

It is not the case. In some Muslim countries, the government may be opposed by people for not following democracy or for not responding to people rights in a good life. In some other countries, there may be terrorist groups that are fighting against the government for other personal goals.

Is Pakistan a Terrorist country?

The Pakistan government is involved in funding the terrorist groups, but its not a terrorist country itself!

How did congress attempt to control the violence of terrorist groups?


How many organizations are there in the world?

Answer 1Countless number of terrorist organizations of all God religions and faiths and of all nationalities.Answer 2Hundreds of terrorist groups exist all over the world. Some purport to belong to religious groups. (For example: Kach and Kahane Chai claims to be Jewish, the Irish Republican Army claims to be Catholic, Al-Qaeda claims to Sunni Muslim, Hezbollah claims to be Shiite Muslim, the Tamil Tigers claimed to be Hindu, etc.) Others are strictly non-religious. (For example: the Nepalese Maoists).For a list of the major terrorist organizations, please see the Related Link below.

What are most terrorists?

Some people say it is mostly Muslims in the UK but it always Muslims because anyone can be a terrorist it not always Muslims because other different ethnic groups do be terrorist so there for anyone can be and it not always Muslims because anyone can go to a Muslim shop and buy one of those things that cover their face and body and everyone would think it was a Muslim did it. Refer to related question below

What are the Muslim groups fighting for?

It depends entirely on which groups of Muslims the questioner is talking about. Probably the most prominent, if unfortunately so, Muslim groups are paramilitary and terrorist organizations such as al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, ISIL, Hamas, Taliban etc. Most of these groups are fighting to establish Islamist States in certain areas of the world (usually including areas that overlap between different countries). There are also numerous Muslim organizations, especially in the US and Europe where Muslims have much greater freedoms to organize politically than they do in the Islamic World. Some of the more famous North American Islamic Groups, which typically try to fight for Muslim Rights include: ISNA, ICNA, CAIR, etc. Other groups include AIFD and Moral Courage, which take a more critical lens to Islamic practice and politics and are fighting to promote a liberalization in the Islamic communities. There are also several varieties of Muslim militias and armies such as the Shiite militias being organized in Iraq, the Free Syrian Army, and numerous national armies of different Muslim states which were primarily coordinated for self-defense of a particular ethnic group or national group.

What political Palestinian groups considered by the US as terrorist groups?

palestinian territories are occupied by israel.