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The official date of the United States becoming independent from Great Britain is July 4th, 1776. On this date the Declaration of Independence was signed.

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9y ago
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11y ago

1776 and it was almost avioded why i dont know

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7y ago

They legally broke away from Britain on July 4, exactly when Tim Logan said they did.

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Q: In what year did colonists gain independence from Great Britain?
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From whom Washington wanted to gain independence?

The American colonists, whose army was led by George Washington, wanted to gain their freedom from Great Britain.

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The colonists in America fought against the British to gain their independence from Great Britain. Prior to the Revolutionary War the colonies belonged to Great Britain and the colonists were British subjects.

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The American colonists were seeking independence from Great Britain. In order to have that independence, the American Revolutionary War was fought.

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Primarily, the colonists' desire to gain independence from England.

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Great Britain.

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The American Colonies wanted to gain independence from Great Britain.

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It was about getting the colonists to start a rebellion against Britain and to gain independence from Britain.

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