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Independence Hall, Philadelphia

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Q: In which city was the declaration signed?
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Which city is the home of the Liberty Bell and where the declaration of independence was signed?

Philadelphia, PA

What statement about Benjamin Franklin is not true?

He was among those who signed the Declaration of Independence.He was among those who signed the Declaration of Independence.He was among those who signed the Declaration of Independence.He was among those who signed the Declaration of Independence.He was among those who signed the Declaration of Independence.He was among those who signed the Declaration of Independence.

What city was the declaration of independence signed in?

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where the Second Continental Congress was meeting in 1776.

Who were the four people who signed the declaration of independence?

44 signed the Declaration.

Representatives signed the Declaration of Independence?

There were 56 representatives who signed the Declaration of Independence.

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What city was the declaration signed in?

It was written in Philadelphia by a committee of five delegates including Thomas Jefferson, edited for two days by the Congress as a whole, and adopted and signed on July 4, 1776. Other accounts indicate that signatures were added on August 2, 1776.

How did Benjamin Franklin Chang history?

he signed the Declaration of Independence

Why did Hancock sign declaration of ind?

Hancock signed the Declaration of Ind because he returned to New York City and he wanted to come back and sign the IND.

The Signing of the Declaration of Independence is a question that could be made from the section heading above A. Who signed the Declaration of Independence B. Why was the Declaration of Independe?

Who signed the Declaration of Independenc?

What was Alexander Hamilton's consequences for the signing of the declaration?

He never signed the declaration of independence... He signed the Constitution

Who signed Declaration of Independence of India?

Purna Swaraj was the person who signed the declaration of independence of India.