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Q: In your opinion how do you think Experanza is treated in the book A Place Where the Sea Remembers?
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What actors and actresses appeared in A Place Where the Sea Remembers - 2013?

The cast of A Place Where the Sea Remembers - 2013 includes: Humberto Busto as Cande Reynaldo Pacheco as Don Gusto

What is the name of the village in a place where the sea remembers?

It is the Mexican village of Santiago.

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Remedios is La Curandera ( The Healer)

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He remembers that he had killed someone at the same place.

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He remembers that he had killed someone at the same place.

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Fulgencio realizes the gringo was going to rob him.

How did the use of Spanish language in A Place Where the Sea Remembers by Sandra Benitez impact the story?

The use of Spanish language in "A Place Where the Sea Remembers" adds authenticity and cultural richness to the story, reflecting the setting of a small village in Mexico. It also helps to immerse readers in the local culture and provides insights into the characters' backgrounds and identities. The inclusion of Spanish phrases and dialogue enhances the novel's sense of place and reinforces the connections between the characters and their environment.

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That means the marriage is treated as though it had never taken place. It has no legal affect whatsoever.That means the marriage is treated as though it had never taken place. It has no legal affect whatsoever.That means the marriage is treated as though it had never taken place. It has no legal affect whatsoever.That means the marriage is treated as though it had never taken place. It has no legal affect whatsoever.

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Remedios is waiting for her husband, Esteban, to return home from his fishing trip.

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it depends on your opinion

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its an opinion answer look in flyers to see a preferance my opinion is New Zealand and France

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