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In my opinion the most important element was that it protected civil liberties and required that public education be provided. If this was not here, many children would have had no education and our economy would have gotten no where at that time, and it just made our community stronger.

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11y ago
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13y ago

The Northwest Ordinance (officially called An Ordinance for the Government of the Territory of the United States, North-West of the River Ohio) established the Northwest Territory, which comprised all lands north of the Ohio River, west of the Pennsylvania border and east of the Mississippi River, which was at the time the western boundary of the United States. The Northwest Ordinance was passed by the Continental Congress in 1787 and established a system of government for the territory and declared all existing state claims to its lands to be null and void. It outlawed slavery in the territory, made provisions for public education, outlined a bill of rights, and established rules for the admission of new states that would be created out of its territory. The Northwest Territory lasted until 1803 when the state of Ohio was created out of the eastern portion of the territory and the Territory of Indiana was created out of the remainder.

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6y ago

In my opinion the most important element was that it protected civil liberties and required that public education be provided. If this was not here, many children would have had no education and our economy would have gotten no where at that time, and it just made our community stronger.

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7y ago

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 established a plan to create new states in the western part of America. The western lands refers to the land around the Ohio River area that the colonies acquired from their victory of the French and Indian War. It was significant because Congress established a great plan to create new states and prevent the large states from seizing land.

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12y ago

it was a law that set up a plan for governing the northwest territory and for forming new states from its lands.

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8y ago

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was important to the growth of the US. The ordinance allowed for expansion of North America by the admission of new states. thank you!!

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12y ago

It gave America land that belonged to the British and the Indians. this caused the French and Indian War

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12y ago

The most important element of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was they had passed the Northwest territory because congress agreed on it.

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