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To oversee the executive agencies

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Arvilla Kemmer

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2y ago
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15y ago

It is an essential part of the lawmaking process.

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9y ago

The US Congress has the power to investigate crimes and potential crimes. It does this through committee hearings and appointing special prosecutors.

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10y ago

Congress is given investigatory powers such as access to U. S. census investigations. This offers Congress the necessary data needed to make informed decisions on legislature.

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10y ago


gives the public a chance to bring their views to congress

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10y ago

The investigatory power of the congress is exercised through the congressional committee on the need for a future legislation.

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14y ago

because they like to investigate things.

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Q: Investigative Powers of Congress
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What are the two non law making duties of congress?

The non-legislative functions of Congress are the powers and responsibilities NOT related to passing laws. For example: impeachment power, confirmation power, and investigative power

What is the roll of the legislative branch?

The constitution grants congress the sole authority to enact legislation and declare war, the right to confirm or reject many presidential appointments, and substantial investigative powers.

Which article are the powers of the congress listed in?

Congress' powers are listed in Article one of the Constitution. Specific powers are enumerated in section eight. Congress has expressed powers that are written in the Constitution and implied powers that are not expressed.

What are the powers of Congress that are written into the Constitution called?

Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution of the United States lists eighteen "enumerated powers" of the Congress. The 9th and 10th Amendments, as part of the Bill of Rights, specifically limit the Congress from taking actions that are not explicitly authorized, stating that powers not listed are reserved to the People or to the States.

Why did the constitution specifically describe the powers of the Congress but remain vague about the powers of the president?

The Constitution's division of powers leaves the President with some exclusive powers as Commander-in-Chief, Congress with certain other exclusive powers, and a sort of "twilight zone" of concurrent powers. Congress also has the power to limit the powers of the President.The Constitution describes the powers of Congress more than those of the president because initially Congress was supposed to rule the country while the president didn't do much.

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What are the two non law making duties of congress?

The non-legislative functions of Congress are the powers and responsibilities NOT related to passing laws. For example: impeachment power, confirmation power, and investigative power

What is the roll of the legislative branch?

The constitution grants congress the sole authority to enact legislation and declare war, the right to confirm or reject many presidential appointments, and substantial investigative powers.

Which of these is an investigative agency of the US Congress?

General Accounting Office

Which document states the powers of congress?

The Constitution states the powers of Congress.

What clause that allows congress to have unlisted powers?

Unlisted powers of congress

What does powers denied congress mean?

it means the powers congress doesnt have -elizabeth :)

Are all powers of congress specifically listed in the constitution expressed powers or reserved powers?

Expressed powers are powers of Congress specifically listed in the Constitution.

What are the powers that congress has that are not stated explicitly in the US Constitution?

These powers are referred to as implied powers, powers that are not explicitly granted to Congress in the U.S. Constitution. The opposite would be expressed powers.