Boris Yeltsin
That'd be Gorbachev; Mikhail Gorbachev.
James Carter is still alive fbhj
Gorbachev is , but his wife died 4 years ago
he's still alive i think go search it up on GOOGLE
Mikhail Gorbachev was born in 1931. As of April 2010, he is still alive and well. Only his political career may be said to be somewhat dead. Incidentally, Gorbachev was only the second Soviert leader (and the first in 27 years) to leave his post while still alive. Five of his predecessors, starting with Lenin, died while in office. Khruschev was the only exception: he was ousted in 1964 by Brezhhnev.
Mikhail Gorbachev
In Russia by Mikhail Gorbachev.
Mikhail Gorbachev was born in 1931. As of April 2010, he is still alive and well. Only his political career may be said to be somewhat dead. Incidentally, Gorbachev was only the second Soviert leader (and the first in 27 years) to leave his post while still alive. Five of his predecessors, starting with Lenin, died while in office. Khruschev was the only exception: he was ousted in 1964 by Brezhhnev.
The United States and Russia
Mikhail Gorbachev wanted the Soviet Union's economy to be reformed for the better via Glasnot and Perestroika.
Raisa Gorbachev was born on January 5, 1932, in Rubtsovsk, Altay, Soviet Union (now Russia).
Mikael Gorbachev
Mikhael Gorbachev