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unitary g overnment,, i guess

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Q: Is Kenya a federal government or unitary government?
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What is unitary gorvernment?

A unitary government holds all power at, what we call in the United States, the federal level. There are no issues that the federal government cannot deal with. The opposite of unitary government is the federal government, meaning that there are multiple levels of government. The United States is a federal system of government, with power being shared between the state and federal governments.

What form government is a compromise between a unitary state and a confederation?

The Federal System lies between the unitary and confederal systems of government.

Is Kenya government unitary?

Yes, Kenya has a unitary government system where power is concentrated at the national level with limited devolution of powers to county governments.

What is the the difference between a unitary government and a federal government?

the federal system controls most or all the power of government and the unitary system one in which all government is derived form the central government.

Like the federal system of government the unitary system of government allows one body to make all laws for the entire nation?


Is Nigeria federal or unitary?

Nigeria employs a federal system of government.

What is The difference of a unitary system and a federal system of government?

the federal system controls most or all the power of government and the unitary system one in which all government is derived form the central government.

Is kazakhstan a federal or unitary government?

neither one