Yes Madison is a very common name..Records I've seen show births in 2000 to 2004 are the years Madison was a baby name that was use the most...
Dolley Madison's full name was Dolley Payne Todd Madison. She was born on May 20, 1768 and died on July 12, 1849.
James Madison
marbury vs. Madison
Madison was originally a family name, including the family name of U.S. President James Madison. It became a popular first name for girls in the United States after the movie "Splash" was released in 1984; the mermaid in the movie takes the name Madison after seeing the Madison Avenue street sign.
Dolly Madison was the First Lady of the United States from 1809-1817
common sense
The US president died in 1836. But this is a common name.
James Madison did not have a middle name. Therefore, his full name was James Madison - occasionally James Madison Jr., as he shared his name with his father.
Madison is a beautiful name!
Madison Michele's birth name is Michelle Madison.
Madison Leisle's birth name is Madison Janis Leisle.
i like the name Madison i like the name Madison
James Madison did not have a middle name. Therefore, his full name was James Madison - occasionally James Madison Jr., as he shared his name with his father.
James Madison's father's name is James Madison, Sr.
Madison Haze's birth name is Madison Haze Scanlan.
Madison Dylan's birth name is Madison Elizabeth Petrich.
Madison Pettis's birth name is Madison Michelle Pettis.