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California is an American State. So, naturally, anyone born in the state becomes an American citizen.

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Q: Is a person born in California automatically a U.S. citizen?
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Is a person born in California automatically a citizen?

California is an American State. So, naturally, anyone born in the state becomes an American citizen.

Whhat are the three ways a person can be considered a citizen at birth?

1 is to be born there automatically makes you a citizen 2--- if one of your parents is a citizen somebody help me out here!!!

A person born in his or her country?

A person born in their country is considered a citizen by birthright. This means they automatically acquire citizenship from being born within the country's borders.

How do you become a Canadian citizen automatically?

if you were born in Canada

Who is automatically a citizen of the Bahamas?

Anyone who is born to parents who at least one of them is a Bahamian citizen.

What are 4 ways a person is considered a us citizen?

There is not 4 ways, but two. If you are born in the US you are a citizen and if you are from another country you can be naturalized a citizen. Children born to an American citizen are automatically citizens and children born in places like a military base are also citizens no matter where the base is located.

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What does a person born in any US territory automatically become?

People born in US territories become citizens of the US. When the US western border stretched from the Mississippi River to the California coast, new Americans born in those territories added to the "citizen population".

Who were American citizens of Japanese descents?

A person who is born in the US is automatically a citizen even if his parents are not. Many Japanese had immigrated and some of them had become citizens, but they had children born here.

If i become a us citizen do your kids automatically get citzenship as well?

See, if you were born in any other country besides America, you have to go through the citizenship process and you have to take the test.If you become a U.S. Citizen and was not born a U.S. Citizen, if you kids are already born, they do not have Citizenship.If they are born in the U.S, they automatically get citizenship.

From a different country but was born in United States . am i a United States citizen?

Yes, anyone born in the United States is automatically a US citizen.

If you are an immigrant and have a child in US is that child considered a US citizen?

Yes, if born in the US, the child is automatically an American citizen.