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Q: Is congress prohibited by the constitution from borrowing money?
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Congress is prohibited by the Constitution from borrowing money. true or false?

The Constitution of the United States lays the ground rules for much of the federal government. One of those rules is congress can borrow money. The question is false.

The power that the contitution gives congres for foreign affairs?

Borrowing money and to coin money are the power given to congress for foreign affairs by the constitution.

Is borrowing money one of the powers of congress?


Borrowing allows congress to?

The framers of the Constitution allows for the government to borrow money in order to finance public projects. An example of this would be the money borrowed for the Louisiana purchase.

Which branch of government is in charge borrowing and spending money in the US?


Does the Constitution forbid the individual states to coin money?

The U.S. Constitution only gives Congress the power to coin money and regulate its value.

Things Congress is prohibited from doing?

They are prohibited from coining their own money, and from making treaties with foreign powers.

The constitution gives the power to print money to?

Article I Section 8 of the United Constitution grants power to Congress to "coin money" and "regulate its value." In effect, The Department of the Treasury prints money under the authority of Congress.

The constitution gives power to print money to?

The constitution gives the power to print money to Congress.

How does congress go about regulating the value of money?

(a VERY simplified answer) By regulating the supply of money in circulation and the interest rates for borrowing from the US Treasury.

What are the advantages of borrowing money?

Borrowing money can provide individuals and businesses with access to capital for investments, such as starting a business, purchasing a home, or funding education. It allows for the leveraging of funds to potentially generate higher returns than the cost of borrowing. Additionally, borrowing can help smooth out cash flow fluctuations and provide flexibility in managing financial obligations. However, it is essential to carefully consider the terms and conditions of borrowing to ensure it aligns with long-term financial goals and does not lead to unsustainable debt levels.

Does the Constitution limit the nation's debt?

No. In the U.S., the Constitution places all authority for borrowing and spending in the hands of Congress. The Constitution does not place a limit on the amount that the country may borrow. Because it was inconvenient for Congress to get involved every time the Treasury needed to issue a security, Congress passed a law in 1917 which allows the Executive Branch, specifically the U.S. Treasury, to borrow money as necessary, provided that the total amount borrowed remains within a limit set by Congress. Currently (July 2011), that limit is set at $14.3 trillion.