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not that i know. freedom of speech:]

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Name calling is not illegal in the US.

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Q: Is it legal to call a person fat in the work place?
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There is no legal action that could be taken if someone were to accidentally injure another person in the work place.

A what is a person who continually moves from place to place usually in search of food?

A migrant worker moves from place to place to get work. A nomad is someone who moves from place to place.

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No, it is not legal for a debt recovery service to call you while you are at work, as this would constitute harassment according to federal and state law.

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If told not to contact a person at work, collection agencies cannot contact a that person at work. Similarly, they are not allowed to call at ridiculous, inconvenient times, such as at two in the morning.

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no it is not legal

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You can call a person with strong willpower to do the work they have been given a "dedicated and determined individual."

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Laws vary from place to place. In most countries you have to be 14 to obtain a work permit from your school.

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The person is a steel-worker.