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This depends on what you mean by 'superpowers', if you mean by the ones you see on TV then it is completely untrue, however if you meant by supernatural powers then some are true. For example, Psionics is mostly true, Wicca is mostly true and some other types of magic are true.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Yes, in ways that are unlike comic books. There are such things as "political powers" that human beings are capable of having. There is power when working in businesses and basically anything that involves any human being having status over another. That's because usually with high status comes great power and influence.

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13y ago

It is true that people can have powers. I have one. I had this power since I was pretty young. I was at Physical Education...(P.E.) I was having free time so I went to hang out with my friend. Just then when I was crunching my hand(by accident), the wind blew harder.When I made my hand flat it stopped. The same thing happens everyday. It is TRUE, believe me. I mean it cross my heart. Right now, only a few people in this world know of this. A recent power of mine is controlling water. All I do is scrunch my hand and move the scrunched hand. It is also TRUE,of course! NO FOOLING! Well,that's my answer to this question. Find your power and tell me about it.Thank You.P.S.S.S.S If you don't believe this answer,and me. Trust me some of you MAY get powers.Thanks again for reading! By the way I don't know how I got my powers.

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14y ago

If you mean super powers no, but if you are talking about world power or governmental power yes.

Of course- you go to the magic mushroom hut in Hong Kong- drink a potion and poof you have powers!

most likely not, but you could alter the genes and see if that works. Alter it with a lizard, see if your limb grows back... well forget everything about the lizard... i think the genes thing is the best

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15y ago

Yeah I suppose.. I am a believer of that kind of stuff, and I believe that my friends and I have some paranormal powers. We can see ghosts, talk to them, sense them, etc. Here are some powers and what they are:

Clairaudience-It's the voice that you hear and no one else can.. it helps to guide you and it helps you to know if you are on track with your choices or not.

Clairvoyance- Is the power of seeing "them". You can see floating heads, disembodied parts, shadows, phantasms and spirit's bodies.

Clairsentience- Is feeling the ghosts' presence.

Clairalience- Is the power of clearly smelling something that wasn't there before; something that is connected to the ghosts/spirits' past, death, etc. It could be anything from pipe tobacco and cigarettes to body odors and perfumes.

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14y ago

No you cannot have super powers as 'Super powers' do not exist. Super powers are used mostly in Fantasy Books and movies, as humans cannot have 'super' powers.

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13y ago

my cousin showed me that she has magic powers im telling the truth

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4y ago

Yes. Helping someone in need. You don't need a suit for being a super hero. You are one inside your heart.

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