No. The full title is president pro tempore, which is Latin and means "for the time being".
Presdent Pro Temp
Daniel Inouye is the President pro tempore of the U.S. Senate.
The pro temp is elected by the Senate at the beginning of each Congress. By traditional he serves until his party loses the majority or he leaves the senate. There is no set term for this position.
First is the Vice President, then the Speaker of the House of Representatives. these I'm sure of. I think third in line is the Senate Majority Leader or it may be a person of the senate called the president pro temp?
The President pro tempore is the second highest ranking official of the United States Senate . He is a senator who is elected to his position by the Senate.In actual practice it is not unusual for the vice-president and pro temp to both be absent. In that case another senator or, I think, one of the staff serves as time-keeper and keeps track of who has the floor.
No. It's "pro tem", not "pro temp".
Presdent Pro Temp
the president pro temp
No- he is a member of the US Senate.
president pro temp
President Pro Temp
President Pro Temp
It is not hyphenated.
"Pro-education" is a hyphenated neologism (created word) used to define a position "in favor of" education (i.e. favoring increased emphasis, funding, or participation). Applied to a political platform or candidate, it is an adjective.
No it's not hyphenated.
Motorcycle is not hyphenated
words are only hyphenated when they have a separate meaning when separated than they do when hyphenated