The House of Representatives is the lower house. The Senate is the upper house.
If The House writes it, it's The House first, then The Senate. Bills written in The Senate, Generally go to Senate first vote then The House. In some occasions, The House will vote first on Senate Bills.
The case act requires the secretary of state to submit to the senate the final text of any executive agreement and allows agreements concerning sensitive national security matters to be submitted privately to the Senate Foreign Relations and House Foreign Affairs committees.
Congress is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
the house emphasizes tax and revenue policy.Senate emphasizes foreign policy
The Senate typically has more influence over foreign affairs because it plays a key role in ratifying treaties and confirming high-ranking diplomatic appointments made by the President. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee also holds hearings on important foreign policy issues and has the power to oversee and shape U.S. foreign relations.
The House of Representatives has no power with regard to foreign treaties. Treaties with foreign government are negotiated by the President subject to the advice and consent of the Senate only.
Interestingly enough, the House has little impact on Foreign Policy, except through "sense of the house" resolutions, Budget hearings and resolutions affecting State Department and Military,and House financial operations overall, (House proposes, Senate Disposes). The Senate's position of "Advise and Consent" is where some believe real power in Foreign Policy resides, since the Senate must approve Treaties proposed by the President and State Department. It wasn't always that way either, since the Senate prerogative to propose Amendments or changes to Treaties, and even language additions to treaty Preambles to satisfy certain Senate critics-at times Republican, at times Democrat-regarding the intent and actual purpose of a specific treaty, have mostly arisen during the twentieth century. In other ways the U.S. representative bodies-House and Senate, have varying degrees of impact depending on the Chairmanship and Membership of the various standing committees-Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, Appropriations, and many more. Even subcommittees of the House and Senate standing committees get in the act with hearings and investigations. SO, overall I would suggest that although Foreign Policy is the purview of the President and State Department, Congress has much more of an impact today than even a generation ago.
No, since this is a power enumerated to the Senate.
In the American "republican" form of government, the House and the Senate are intentionally devised to work and to lead differently. Several basic differences of importance are the following: Representatives (in the House) are elected for only two-year terms at a time and, as a group, are especially focused on domestic affairs. Senators (in the Senate) are elected for six-year terms at a time and, as a group, generally focus on foreign policy.
The secretary of state is the administrator of the Department of State and the principal spokesperson for the President on U.S. foreign policy. The secretary serves as a member of the President's "inner cabinet" of advisers and, by law, as a member of the National Security Council. The secretary has the primary responsibility for preparing the budget for foreign affairs programs, including diplomatic missions, foreign aid to developing nations, and contributions to multinational organizations such as the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the International Monetary Fund. The secretary defends foreign affairs programs before subcommittees of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees and is the principal spokesperson for the administration before the House Foreign Affairs Committee and Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The President may also assign the secretary to communicate foreign policy to foreign heads of state or to serve as the principal U.S. diplomat at international conferences. Source:
The senate is also called the upper house.
The senate is the upper house.
The Senate and the House of Representatives
Who are the Senate house of the Philippines?